My First Month

I’ve almost completed my first month of self-employment and can I just say I LOVE IT! I wish I did it so much sooner! I was so scared that I didn’t know enough, or wouldn’t be able to cut it alone, but those fears were already dispelled. I am excited to announce that I am working with two fantastic clients, with many new clients in the pipeline!

JB logo

JB Lexington is an author from Toronto. She wrote a fantastic book called Forever Eve, and we are working together to create an online presence for her as an author and interest in her first romance novel. Seriously, if you’re looking for a GREAT read that is part Fifty Shades of Grey (but written way better) and part Sophie Kinsella then she’s your girl! Check out her webpage and start reading her novel here.


I am also really excited to announce that I am again working with Empire Communities. After leaving Empire last year, I realized I really do enjoy working in the Toronto Building industry, so once I started my own business, it was only natural we continue working together. Empire is doing some really cool things like working with Mike Holmes on his Holmes Approved Homes Program – which was just launched this weekend at Wyndfield in Brantford, Ontario. If you’re looking for a new home or condo in the GTA or South Western Ontario let me know and I can hook you up with some of the best sales reps in the city!

Along with signing these 2 clients, I have also found more time to give back to myself. I have added a cardio routine to my strength training and am finding time mid-day to take my bulldog Romeo out to the park to play. So after my first month, I am happy to report, so far so good!

Until my next update,

xx Nikz


The Presentation


Why I Traded in a Sure Thing To Start My Own Business