The Presentation

Yesterday I experienced a huge milestone for myself and my business. I had my first major presentation to an entire marketing team! Now I've presented to clients in the past but yesterday's meeting was extremely nerve-wracking. The client, who will remain nameless until the contract is official, compliments my professional background and would be a fantastic addition to my client roster. 

Well, on my way to my meeting yesterday I had a full on panic attack. I can laugh about it now, but I was actually freaking out. This was my first major pitch and I wanted it to go well. Thankfully I have an awesome group of girlfriends and a really supportive boyfriend and family to pump me up and let me know that "I got this!" 

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I'm happy to report the meeting went amazingly! The quote was well received and we brainstormed some ideas for getting started. The team was also excited to have the weight off their shoulders. 

Whether I get the contract or not, this was a huge learning experience for me and I am so proud of myself. This is the first step of many, many opportunities, and I'm excited to say this one was a success.

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And a huge thank you to my fantastic support team who was there for me before and after my meeting. You guys are my rocks and I wouldn't be able to take on the world without you!

Now cross your fingers for me!!

xx Nikz




My First Month