Why I Traded in a Sure Thing To Start My Own Business

Today is the first day of my new life.

I am officially self-employed. And yes, I'm really nervous! This is the first time in my life that I won't have a steady income, 2 pay checks a month, coming into my bank account. This is the first time in my life that I don't have to report to anyone. This is the first time that I have to rely completely on myself.

My entire life I watched my parents run their own businesses. Being self-employed is in my blood. And now is as good a time as ever. I am approaching my 26th birthday and I have spent the last 5 years running social media for small to medium sized businesses or strategizing for not for profits.

About 6 month ago, I transitioned from social media into an account executive role. While I loved having my own clients, I realized my passion was still in social. So after a few months of struggling with what my next move was going to be, I decided it was time to work for myself.

And I am so excited for this next chapter, no book, in my life.

This blog will detail my day to day experiences of starting my own business, ramblings of what's going on in my crazy little head and just a spot to share my successes (hopefully there are many!) and my failures (hopefully there aren't many!).

I hope you follow along on my ride to my brand new life being self-employed.

xx Nikz


My First Month