Throwback Thursday to 2015 Updates

For someone in social media, I'm really blowing this whole "blog" thing. LOL! In the last week I've been scolded by quite a few people about the fact that my blog is really outdated! So my goal for 2016 is to give you AT LEAST a monthly update with what I'm doing and how business is going.

Basically I've been INCREDIBLY busy! Which is why I haven't found the time to blog. But, I know, that's not an excuse - as I heard today - so I'm getting back on the horse and making my 2016 resolution to blog more. So let me give you an update... (it's going to be a long one, so grab yourself a beer!)

Back in September, (I know, I blew it by not writing this update then,) JB Lexington, my fabulous author found a publisher for Forever Eve! Here is the email I wrote to her and our fabulous editor Elyse Gagne:


About 7 months ago I was walking home from work with a super hot chicky named Elyse telling her about how I met with a potential client on the weekend, who was an author. It was in this conversation that Elyse told me about Wattpad. Shortly after, that author, another super hot chicky named JB took a chance on me and became my first client. We enlisted the help of Elyse to edit JB's first novel Forever Eve, with the goal of posting chapter by chapter online. Through social media it was our goal to create awareness for the book and JB with the hopes of finding an agent or a publisher.

Well, here we are Sept 2nd - just 7 short months later - and I'm so happy to say we achieved our goal!!!

Congratulations JB on signing with Three Worlds Publishing!!

I can say that it has been an absolutely amazing experience working with both you and Elyse to achieve your dream!

Now let's plan a date where we can crack some bubbly and celebrate!!!


Yup! That's what you can expect in an email from me when you work with me! That day was pretty exciting! But I have to say it wasn't as exciting as January 26th 2016 (2 days ago) when Forever Eve was officially listed on Amazon and available for purchase!! (GO BUY IT NOW!!!)

What an amazing experience and I can't believe we achieved our goal in less than a year! I must say this has been one of the most exciting accomplishments in my career! So cheers to this exciting chapter! Now JB, if you're reading this get going on book 2!! If you want to keep up with JB you can follow her on Twitter and Facebook!

Nikki Bettinelli Sandy Cardy

Next up, in October, I had a fabulous new client join my team. Sandy Cardy is a tax and estate planning genius - after a battle with cancer and a full recovery Sandy has immersed herself in researching how to protect your health - your biggest investment!! - and your wealth. Sandy's goal is to share her knowledge to help others avoid diseases, like cancer, caused by unhealthy diets, lifestyles and energy. Working with Sandy has been absolutely amazing! I've learned so much about the importance of feeding your body the proper nutrition so that it can protect you from developing autoimmune diseases, cancer, inflammation etc. etc. etc. Sandy has 2 really great mantras:

1. "What good is all that financial planning if you aren’t around to enjoy the rewards?"

2. "Wealth is built with returns over time, and so too is health"

Both of these have stuck with me and inspired me to live a healthier life. If you or anyone you know is struggling with a constant cold, chronic inflammation, cancer, auto-immune diseases etc. I strongly suggest you check out Sandy's website, read her blog posts, and follow her on Facebook and Twitter.

Hats on for awareness nikki

Last year, I also started working with Hats On For Awareness, a fundraiser to help end the stigma surrounding mental illness. In October, they had their 7th annual Hats On Gala and raised over $115,000! I am really proud to work with this amazing team as they help break the barriers of mental illness in Canada. This terrible disease affects 1 in 5 Canadians. The best way to shatter the stigma is by talking and sharing stories. Yesterday was #BellLetsTalk day and it was incredible to see our Prime Minister speak so candidly about Mental Health issues in his family. Please follow Hats On on Facebook and Twitter and join the 8th annual Hatsquerade taking place next October!

My last update is also really exciting. Romeo, my English Bulldog has been a great intern. But he sleeps on the job and snores a lot, so I had to upgrade. In November, Jesse Espana joined my team as an intern and has been a fantastic addition! He brings skills in video and design to the table and was the driving force behind JB's book trailer. (Watch it here!) Jesse graduated from Guelph-Humber College with a degree in Media Studies and I've been happy to show him how to use social media to build a brand. Jesse has been such an asset and I'm excited to announce he will be joining my team as a Social Media Coordinator starting in February. Can you believe I'm a boss!? LOL

Nikki Bettinelli richard branson

2015 was an unbelievable year for me and I am so glad I made the decision to jump into this new business venture. A year ago I posted this photo of Richard Branson on Instagram with the caption: "my head's in the clouds today...☁ #daydreaming #planning". Well I honestly could not have dreamed the last year and the successes I've had. But it's not all rainbow and butterflies. I am now a boss, which means I am responsible for someone else's livelihood. That's pretty scary! Thoughts of failure and doubts run through my mind every day. When you own your own business there's risk of losing clients, not being able to gain new ones, accounting nightmares, sick days, the fear of your business growing too quickly, or not quickly enough. There is so much to think about on a day to day basis. It's quite overwhelming. My recipe for success... take it one day at a time. And if you do something that you love, that you are truly passionate about, you will be successful no matter what!

I came across this video a couple weeks ago and it was exactly what I needed to JUMP start 2016. I sent it to a friend who is just about to open up her new business and I think it's important for everyone to watch. Do what you love, find your gift and JUMP! Trust me, your chute will open.

xx Nikz



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