6 Months In...

nikki bettinelli opportunities

I have officially been running my social media management business for 6 months! And let me tell you, it has been fantastic! I've had an incredibly busy summer, and haven't had much time to blog, sorry! One thing is for sure, I need to make time to work on my own brand and blog and that is my goal for the latter half of this year.

So let me tell you what I've been up to...

First off, I've had a great summer working with my incredible clients. I've learned so much from each of them and am thankful for these relationships. I'm excited to keep working with them and to continue helping them with their social media.

Enterprise Toronto Starter Company

Now for the big news - and if you're thinking of starting a small business you'll want to pay attention:

In June, I found out I was accepted to Enterprise Toronto's Starter Company program. This program is for anyone between the ages of 18-29 who are not currently working full time and are starting their own business. This program will help you get started by providing a $5000 grant, a fantastic small business training program and a mentor.

Through this program I have met some really amazing young entrepreneurs who are starting some really cool companies. Each person I've met in this program has inspired me in one way or another. Everyone is so dedicated to helping each other succeed. It's a great atmosphere. I highly suggest that anyone starting a business look into this program. It has been an invaluable experience.

What To Expect in The Fall

So what's my plan for Fall? I'm ramping up and hoping to add another client or two to my roster. I will also be looking for a social media intern. If you know anyone who is smart, passionate about social media and is ready to learn then send them my way!

I can't wait to see what the rest of 2015 has in store!

xx Nikz





Throwback Thursday to 2015 Updates


The Italian Contemporary Film Festival