Hey. I’m Nikki.

I’ve been connecting brands, celebrities and not-for-profits with their communities since 2011 and there is nothing else, I’d rather be doing!

I love what I do and that translates into strong partnerships with my clients, and even stronger connections between my clients and their audiences.

So, whether you need to disrupt the status quo, create noise and conversation in social media or engage your audience, I can help. I do this by building a deep understanding of my clients’ brands, needs, goals and audiences, in order to create strong, effective marketing strategies and plans.

I’m a trusted extension of my clients’ businesses, someone that can be counted on to do exceptional work, whenever needed.

I am driven to see my clients succeed and can help build your social brand, launch or manage your social or digital marketing, event management, or engage with brand ambassadors online.

Let’s connect!





 “My goal is to help you bring your offline presence online, to give your clients a seamless customer experience across each touchpoint.”

Let’s Connect

toronto, ON | Naples, FL

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