There Are No Sick Days When You're Self Employed

Well this week I learned a tough lesson: There are no sick days when you're self employed!

I woke up on Monday with a sore throat and a giant to-do list, which meant no time to slack! When you work for yourself and have no employees, there is only one person to do the work. Being so sick and having so much to do usually ends up with more added stress - which in turn doesn't help you get better.

no sick days when you're self employed

Luckily, being self employed also means I could work from home and struggle through my illness from the comfort of my couch. I spent the week being stressed, frustrated, annoyed and overall feeling pretty negative.

This week was definitely the most difficult one I've had since starting my own business - which isn't bad considering I'm well into my 3rd month - but it's finally done and I am on the way to feeling like my healthy self!

Next week I am ready to start fresh and bring back the positive vibes.

So let's cheers to the first long weekend of summer!

Be safe and have fun!

xx Nikz



The Italian Contemporary Film Festival
